Thursday, June 25, 2015

Five Minutes With ... Oscar

Five Minutes With ... Oscar

Words: Rory Wynne

We grab hold of fast-rising London singer-songwriter Oscar Scheller - better known just by his solo first name - for a few words in advance of his debut EP 'Beautiful Words' - which is out now.

Firstly, let's talk about ‘Beautiful Words’, the title track from the EP. What was the inspiration behind the words?
'Beautiful Words' is a song about feeling vulnerable and just wanting to be reminded everything will be okay. I remember growing up I just wanted to know that things will be okay.

There's been more than one comparison to Morrissey hasn't there! How does this rest with you: is it something you find amusing, annoying or a compliment?
It's funny, at first it frustrated me, as it just emphasised how lazy and unimaginative some music journalism still is. But then after that, I realised its human nature to perceive things on a comparative level. Morrissey is a pretty amazing artist so I'm flattered really.

Tell us a little if you would, about the other tracks on the EP.
The EP overall introduces a big part of the music I've been making. The slow and steady hip-hop shuffle, met with sad boy pop songs on top. It's gangsta melancholy.

How did you start off in music and what connections led you to Wichita's door?
I started off in music when I tried to play the piano for the first time. Once I got both hands going I carried on. They just turned up to a show and we met and our first date was mad chemistry!

As your parents were - still are? musicians, was it inevitable that you would follow in their footsteps? Although you went to uni to study fine art, so...can you explain what your career plans were then that you initially opted for that route?
My mum is an artist and my dad was a musician but died when I was 8. His music and sprit is still very much alive in me and what I do. I went to Saint Martins because I'd just finished Fine Arts College and was taught a beautiful art education and fell in love with painting and drawing. I thought I could continue that. From what I'm told I was always very creative and observant from a young age, so my mum just nurtured that and here we are.

Have there been any strong influences on you, within music or outside of, that have shaped you into the artist you are today?
I would say my upbringing, having an older sister who was always into good music. My two godfathers, who have been incredible male role models, of how to be yourself, spiritually, emotionally, how to be a good person. Also my Mum has always understood and supported me.

Can you describe how these have impacted on your style and sound, if at all?
I wouldn't say they've impacted either. Just made it easier to navigate the ups and downs of life.

As a solo performer - particularly when you first started - do you find it nerve-wracking playing live in front of an audience? Can you recall your first live show?
I used to perform a lot classically from the age of 8 and can remember wanting to run away before going on stage. My first live show in a band was hilarious. I was 16 and it was a battle of the bands at City School for Boys on the Southbank. And my friend got so drunk he was thrown out of the school but kept climbing through the window to stage invade with a tambourine...

You play guitar and piano - the latter since the age of six, I believe! A child prodigy?! When did you take up guitar? Is that your instrument of choice?
I took up guitar at 15 when I asked for one for my birthday. I write equally on guitar and piano. But at the moment the guitar is a flavour I'm digging fully

What are your plans for the summer? Any festivals lined up to play at? Or if not playing, visiting just for the craic?
Yes! BST with Blur, Latitude, Visions, End Of The Road.

I see you’re doing a few dates with Hinds - are you a fan of theirs?
Huge fan! That was the best fun.

Do you get the chance to check out much other new music going down? Who are a few you are currently rating which we might find on the Oscar stereo?
I am an avid music listener and am always on the look out for new things to feel inspired by and enjoy. Recently I'm into Fake Laugh, The Big Moon, Our Girl, Kero Kero Bonito, Broncho, Family Friends, FVC and SOPHIE

I understand you're an avid record collector. If we were to browse through your collection and ask to buy a certain one, which would be the one you wouldn't part with for any money? And why?
Oh shit, that's a good question. A hard one too! I love them all in different ways so I couldn't say. The one that's worth the most is probably My Bloody Valentine 'Loveless'

Where do you see yourself headed over the next few years? Do you have any long-term goals in mind? Collaborations with anyone?
I would just like to keep getting better and progress as an artist in a natural way. Maybe even get into the charts and then everybody's hearts ;) I'm very open to collaborations with all sorts of artists.

For your next recorded work - will that be an album? - do you plan to explore anything differently to what you are doing at present?
Next recorded work will be a full length album. Set to be released Jan 2016. I think I'd like to open up to exploring more on the production side and start working in a studio.

We can’t wait to hear it, thank you Oscar, it’s been a pleasure.


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